Icing Injury Benefits and Other Advantages

Advantages of Icing Injuries

Cold water or icing an injury has many healing properties. Benefits include boosting immune function, increasing blood flow, and decreasing the inflammation of muscles. The benefits can be short term or long term depending on the person’s adaptation period. Different forms of cold therapy applications have been discussed. Some researchers theorize cold showering is enough, while some researchers theorize immersion is required.  An agreement on temperature gradient does seem conclusive between researchers. Small changes as in 10 degrees have shown to be effective. Cold water therapy temperatures do not have to be freezing in order to provide therapeutic benefits.

Ice however is used to help all sorts of injuries. Icing can be used as a pain reliever. It is used to numb inflamed or injured muscles. Ice can be used to help chronic overuse, or simple arthritis pains. Joint pain including carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, shin splints, inflammatory arthritis and a slew of other joint inflammations. Inflammation, is caused by widening of the capillaries to allow for extra oxygen and nutrients to get to the damaged area. Fresh injuries are red and hot to the touch, they typically include sprained muscles, bruises or strains sensitive to the touch, and swelling.


Icing an Injury will:

Decreases the inflammation and swelling that occur after injury
Helps decrease the pain by numbing sore tissues
Slows nerve impulses which interrupts the spasm reaction between nerves
To get the most benefit out of this technique. Ice should be applied immediately after injury has occurred.

How to Ice an Injury:

Get the ice on quickly.
Icing is most effective in the immediate period following an injury. The effect of icing diminishes significantly after about 48 hours.

Perform an “ice massage.”
Apply ice directly to the injury. Move the ice frequently, not allowing it to sit in one spot.

Don’t forget to elevate.
Keep the injured body part elevated above the heart while icing — this will further help reduce swelling.

Watch the clock.
Ice for 15-20 minutes, but never longer. You can cause further damage to the tissues, including frostbite, by icing for too long.

Allow time between treatments.
Allow area to warm for at least 45 minutes or an hour before beginning the icing routine again.


SA Series
Packaged Chillers
(integrated pump tank)
1.5Ton – 20Ton
Single / Dual Circuits
Single / Dual Pumps
SAE Series
Modular Chillers
(pump & tank on
separate skid)
1.5Ton – 200Ton
Single / Dual Circuits
SAR Series
Split Chillers
(Outdoor Condensing Unit)
(pump, tank, evaporator on
indoor skid)
1.5Ton – 200Ton
Single / Dual Circuits